Programs for Educators

Greater Good Educators Program

The Greater Good Educators Program provides educators an opportunity to explore the science and practical application of individual and collective well-being, helping to support the development of schools and classrooms where both students and adults thrive. 

As part of the program, educators engage with three self-paced learning modules focused on key well-being topics, and implement a practice of their choice in their classroom or school. Educators also join a small, supportive online community, meeting synchronously to reflect on module content, share experiences, and learn from one another’s insights and questions.



  • Allison Briscoe-Smith, GGSCs support was invaluable
    “The GGSC's support was invaluable in broadening my reach as an author and public speaker.”

    Allison Briscoe-Smith, assistant professor at the Wright Institute & former GGSC Graduate Fellow

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