Greater Good in Education Online Resource

In February of 2020, we launched Greater Good in Education (GGIE), a free online resource that distills strategies and practices for the social, emotional, and ethical development of students and the adults who work with them, synthesizing the top insights and best practices from science, programs, and practitioners.

GGIE currently features more than 200 practices that can be incorporated into all aspects of a school community, from academic instruction to staff meetings to engagement with parents. It was produced with generous support from the Einhorn Family Charitable Trust and the John Templeton Foundation.


  • Jon Kabat-Zinn, It is a great good and a great gift
    “It is a great good and a great gift, this Greater Good. I bow to you for your efforts to bring these uplifting and illuminating expressions of humanity, grounded in good science, to the attention of us all.”

    Jon Kabat-Zinn, author and founder of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program

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