Our Partners

Partners are essential to the GGSC’s work and impact: They expand the reach of our resources, support our events and programs, and help audiences apply our work to their personal and professional lives. Learn about some of our core partners below.

Program Partners | Syndication Partners | Education Partners

Program Partners

These partners contribute content or ideas to the GGSC’s programs and resources, work with the GGSC on events, or run programs that the GGSC helps to support in various ways.


The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford University strives to create a community of scholars and researchers who will advance our knowledge of the human capacity for compassion and altruism.

Center for Healthy Minds

A global hub for innovations in affective and contemplative neuroscience in addition to well-being across the lifespan, located at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and directed by Richard Davidson, Ph.D.

Charter For Compassion

The Charter for Compassion is facilitated by the Compassionate Action Network International and seeks to create a more just world through forming partnerships and collaborating with other organizations that value compassion.

The Center for Mindful Self-Compassion

Founded in 2012 by Kristin Neff, Ph.D., and Christopher K. Germer, Ph.D., the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion is a place where people can learn about self-compassion, find out where to train in MSC, continue to practice MSC skills, and explore how to teach MSC to others.


Encore.org is building a movement to tap the skills and experience of those in midlife and beyond to improve communities and the world.


GreatSchools is the leading national nonprofit empowering parents to unlock educational opportunities for their children. The platform provides school information and parenting resources to help millions of American families choose the right school, support learning at home, and guide their children to great futures.


Holstee provides tools and resources for a more meaningful life. Over the years, they have created a range of products to help people live both fully and mindfully, including the Holstee Membership, The Greater Good Toolkit, and Reflection.app.

Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness

The mission of the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness is to build a rigorous and interdisciplinary science of positive health, happiness, and well-being with a focus on health equity, and to translate the science to influence practice and policy. They accomplish this by conducting and supporting primary research, investing in the next generation of scholars, and building networks that leverage the breadth and depth of interdisciplinary knowledge and expertise across Harvard University.

Rick Hanson, Ph.D.

Dr. Rick Hanson has spent decades gathering research, information, practices, and other resources to help people turn everyday experiences into a powerful sense of lasting well-being.


HopeLab works to harness the power and appeal of technology to improve human health and well-being. Their work now focuses on the research and development of new social technologies to promote human resilience and improve both psychological and biological health and well-being.

International Positive Psychology Association

IPPA promotes the science of positive psychology; facilitates collaboration among researchers, teachers, students, and practitioners; and shares the findings of positive psychology with the broadest possible audience.

Mind & Life Institute

The Mind & Life Institute is a non-profit organization that seeks to understand the human mind and the benefits of contemplative practices through an integrated mode of knowing that combines first-person knowledge from contemplative traditions with methods and findings from contemporary scientific inquiry.


NationSwell helps America’s problem-solvers advance and scale the solutions that will make our communities stronger and our country better.


OpenIDEO is an open innovation platform where people from all corners of the world collaboratively tackle some of the toughest global issues through launching Challenges, programs, and other tailored experiences.


PositivePsychology.com was founded by researcher Hugo Alberts (Ph.D.) and entrepreneur Seph Fontane Pennock in order to create and share science-based positive psychology resources and tools that helping professionals can use with their clients.

Roots of Empathy

The focus of Roots of Empathy is to build capacity of the next generation for responsible citizenship and responsive parenting. In the short term, Roots of Empathy focuses on raising levels of empathy, resulting in more respectful and caring relationships and reduced levels of bullying and aggression.

Sounds True

Sounds True exists to inspire, support, and serve personal transformation and spiritual awakening.

Starts With Us is a civic movement empowering people to practice curiosity, empathy, and courage as daily habits. Through educational and inspirational digital content and grassroots programming, the nonprofit initiative encourages citizens to improve how they relate across lines of difference. 


Upswell is a series of convenings for changemakers of all kinds–community organizers, philanthropists, nonprofit leaders, government officials, corporate responsibility professionals and more. If you work to make America a place where all can thrive, then Upswell is for you.

Syndication Partners

These partners frequently repost our multimedia content on their platforms, extending our reach and influence.

Berkeley Wellness

BerkeleyWellness.com offers a positive, day-to-day approach to a long, healthful, active life. It includes both highly scientific and practical medicine—from the latest research and most advanced tests to reliable home remedies and common sense.

Daily Good

DailyGood leverages the Internet to promote positive and uplifting news around the world to more than 100,000 subscribers through daily and weekly newsletters.

Fulfillment Daily

The mission of Fulfillment Daily is to inspire readers with tools for a fulfilling life through science-backed news you can trust. 


Goodnet connects people around the world with opportunities for doing good and empowers users to independently take positive action anytime, anywhere, and in any field of interest closest to their hearts.


Greater Good content regularly appears on international news platform HuffPost.


Mindful is an initiative that celebrates being mindful in all aspects of daily life through Mindful magazine, mindful.org, and social media. For those who want to be mindful and those interested in various forms of mindfulness practice, Mindful offers a broad range of personal stories, news, advice, and insights.

A Network for Grateful Living

A Network for Grateful Living is a global organization offering online and community-based educational programs and practices which inspire and guide a commitment to grateful living, and catalyze the transformative power of personal and societal responsibility.

Spirituality & Health

Spirituality & Health covers a broad range of topics under the umbrella of health and spirituality, which can include faith, Eastern philosophy, meditation, and mainstream religion; nutrition, wellness, yoga, and holistic medicine; creativity, the inner life, social justice, and issues of conscience; and public health, the human body, and the environment.

Washington Post: Inspired Life

The Washington Post ‘s Inspired Life section shares stories of inspiration, help, and humor to improve your life and the lives of others “for a better you, a better community and a better world.”


YES! magazine reframes the biggest problems of our time in terms of their solutions. Online and in print, YES! outlines a path forward with in-depth analysis, tools for citizen engagement, and stories about real people working for a better world.

Education Partners

These partners help our education program turn the latest research into practical resources for kindness, connection, and resilience in schools. Learn more about our education partnerships here.

CASEL’s Collaborating Districts Initiative

CASEL is at the forefront of a movement to create sustainable and systemic reforms in school districts across the nation. The Collaborating Districts Initiative is designed to develop districts’ capacities to plan, implement, and monitor systemic changes that will impact schools and classrooms in ways that enhance students’ social-emotional development and academic performance; and document lessons learned that can inform future efforts to support systemic SEL implementation in districts across the country.



The inspirED website provides social-emotional learning (SEL) activities, tools, and a five-step process designed by teens, educators, and SEL researchers and practitioners to empower students and educators to work together to create positive change in their schools and themselves.


MindUp is science-centric and evidence-based teaching curriculum and framework, with over 10 years of research conducted on the program’s efficacy. It drives positive behavior, improves learning and scholastic performance, and increases empathy, optimism, and compassion.

Parenting Partners

These partners help us spread the news about our parenting resources.


A Northwest resource for parents, with a magazine, online resources, and books.

  • Ron Lieber, The epicenter for research
    “The Greater Good Science Center is the epicenter for research on happiness and gratitude.”

    Ron Lieber, The New York Times

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