Facebook researchers design stickers to mimic human emotions
GGSC's Dacher Keltner works with Arthuro Bejar, a Facebook engineer who heads the compassion research, on Stickers.
GGSC's Dacher Keltner works with Arthuro Bejar, a Facebook engineer who heads the compassion research, on Stickers.
The GGSC's Jeremy Adam Smith appears on "Forum" with former US Secretary of Labor Robert Reich to discuss the widening income disparity between elementary school PTAs. In San Francisco, PTA fundraising for elementary schools has increased by nearly 800 percent over the past decade, and many…
An unprecedented alliance between UC Berkeley, Stanford, UCLA, and Cal Tech aims to remedy a seemingly intractable nationwide problem: Too few underrepresented minority Ph.D. students in the mathematical, physical and computer sciences and in engineering are advancing to postdoctoral and…
GGSC's founder, Dacher Keltner, and science director, Emiliana Simon-Thomas, help Facebook adopt new, research-tested social resolution tools.
Greater Good education director Vicki Zakrzewski helps explain the science behind the success of the Mindful Life Project, an initiative to establish meditation and mindfulness programs in elementary schools.