Gratitude Curricula

Gratitude is great for schools. Studies suggest it makes students feel better about their school; it also makes teachers feel more satisfied and accomplished, and less emotionally exhausted, possibly reducing teacher burnout.

The Greater Good Science Center is excited to offer two curricula on the topic of gratitude so your students can cultivate a practice of gratitude and experience some of the benefits that come along with that practice.

Nurturing Gratitude From the Inside Out: 30 Activities for Grades K–8” was originally developed by The Inner Resilience Program. This curriculum includes 30 activities for grades K–8.




Thanks! A Strengths-Based Gratitude Curriculum for Tweens and Teens” was originally developed by leading gratitude expert, Dr. Giacomo Bono, along with his colleagues at the Youth Gratitude Project. This curriculum includes four lessons to help students understand the meaning of gratitude and how to cultivate it in their everyday lives. You can access the entire document by clicking on the link above, or find individual components of the curriculum (teacher’s guide, handouts and powerpoint slides) linked below.

Thanks! Lesson One: Discover Your Grateful Self
Lesson One Teacher’s Guide
Lesson One Powerpoint Slide Deck

Thanks! Lesson Two: See The Good Challenge
Lesson Two Teacher’s Guide and Handouts
Lesson Two Powerpoint Slide Deck

Thanks! Lesson Three: Seeing The Good In Others
Lesson Three Teacher’s Guide and Handouts
Lesson Three Powerpoint Slide Deck

Thanks! Lesson Four
Lesson Four Teacher’s Guide and Handouts
Lesson Four Powerpoint Slide Deck


  • Brene Brown
    “The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley, is one of my favorite online stomping grounds.”

    Brene Brown, Ph.D., from her best-selling book Rising Strong

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