Putting the Science of Forgiveness into Practice

Over the past three decades, the science of forgiveness has expanded dramatically, serving to define and measure the virtue of forgiveness, document the benefits of forgiving others, and identify concrete methods for practicing forgiveness. This research has clear implications for improving personal health and well-being, strengthening relationships, and even ending cycles of violence between groups and nations. 

In 2024, the GGSC launched a two-year project, "Putting the Science of Forgiveness into Practice," supported by the Templeton World Charity Foundation (TWCF), building on TWCF’s Discover Forgiveness campaign. Across several of the GGSC’s platforms, we will share important findings from the science of forgiveness that people can apply to their personal and professional lives. We will especially focus on engaging mental health professionals, educators, and faith leaders who can share these insights with the broader audiences they serve. Our content and programming will include:

  • a video and series of articles on our Greater Good online magazine about the science and practice of forgiveness, reporting on key research findings and highlighting their practical implications for educators, mental health professionals, and faith leaders;
  • new research-based practices to help cultivate forgiveness on our Greater Good in Action and Greater Good in Education websites;
  • a series of episodes on forgiveness for our Science of Happiness and Happiness Break podcasts, featuring stories of cultivating forgiveness and guided practices;
  • several forgiveness-themed Happiness Calendars, with short well-being and forgiveness tips for each day of the month; 
  • additional programming for educators, including a four-month community of practice, where educators will gather to discuss forgiveness and how it can be applied to their work; and a 90-minute community meeting to learn about forgiveness and try a short practice.

Our goal is to educate people about why forgiveness is an important character virtue to teach, advocate, and model, and equip them with practical, science-based strategies and tools to nurture the propensity for forgiveness. Our hope is that raising awareness and offering practical resources for forgiveness can help us work together to build a more peaceful, connected world.

  • Daniel Goleman, Greater Good Offers A First-Rate Service
    “Greater Good offers a first-rate service to those who want to track new and important research findings in social and emotional intelligence.”

    Daniel Goleman, best-selling author of Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence

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