Established in 2013, WPPA brings our western region scientific community of faculty, students, and scholars to share their latest rigorous, evidence based empirical research in the science of happiness, excellence and optimal function, plus more.

- Venue: Claremont Graduate University
- Date: September 5-7, 2014
Price: $30-$90

We are excited for the upcoming 1st WPPA Conference in September where WPPA will be…
-Featuring the world premier of North of Normal.
-Celebrating the 80th Birthday of Co-Founder of Positive Psychology - Professor Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi - featuring world renowned leaders
-Hosting the 1st western region academic conference for the western region scientific community.
You may join us at Claremont Graduate University or reserve your place in our live webcast state-of-the-art interactive online classroom. Almost all sessions will be simulcast.
Use the code “Positive” for the package deal.