As part of Wisdom Week, Facebook and the GGSC will explore how to navigate disagreements and ideally turn potential conflicts into opportunities for connection. Free event!
- Venue: Facebook's Menlo Park Campus
- Date: February 12, 2014
Facebook and UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center (GGSC) have collaborated since 2012 to help people navigate disagreements and ideally turn potential conflicts into opportunities for connection. Integrating scientific and wisdom principles about human emotion, compassionate communication, cooperation, and healthy communities with the global reach of Facebook, our aim is to help people be seen, met and heard, enabling constructive social interaction across the site. The Facebook team will share the philosophy behind this collaboration, some of the progress they’ve made, and the lessons they’ve learned. They’ll also share work from the GGSC’s Dacher Keltner about exciting frontiers in the science of human emotion and connectivity that we hope will inspire future work in this area. (Free, but you must register to attend)