Wake Up U.S. Tour: Bay Area

Students of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh will travel to the bay area to offer mindfulness workshops at major universities, bring the practice of sitting and walking meditation to public places, and much more.

  • Venue: The Bay Area
  • Date: April 11, 14-15, 2012

Note: This is not a Greater Good Science event.

This 3 day tour will consist of:

Wake up at the San Francisco Zen Center: On April 11 from 7.30pm-9.30pm at the San Francisco Zen Center, attendees will enjoy singing songs, guided meditation, and sharings from teachers of the Wake Up group and the Zen Center.

Day of Mindfulness at Stanford: On April 14 from 9.45am-4.00pm, several monastic and long term students from the Wake Up group will teach from their own experience the art of cultivating mindfulness in everyday life.

Sitting is Peace in San Francisco: On April 14 from 6.30pm-7.00pm, join Buddhist monks, nuns and experienced lay practitioners together with an eclectic mix of strangers for 30 minutes of silent sitting, flash mob style.

Day of Mindfulness at UC Berkeley: On April 15 from 9.45am-4.00pm, the Wake Up group will offer a mindfulness workshop for young people aged 17-35 to experience how mindfulness practices can calm the body and mind, reduce stress, increase clarity and promote health and well-being.

Walking in Peace in Oakland: On April 15 from 6.00pm-6.45pm, join the Wake Up group for 45 minutes of silent walking in mindfulness, enjoying every step on the earth. 

For more information, visit http://us.wkup.org/events/.

Note: This is not a Greater Good Science event.