A multidisciplinary conference looking at affect
- Venue: Marriott Oakland City Center
- Date: April 9-11, 2015
Price: $225-$355

The Society for Affective Science is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering basic and applied research in the variety of fields that study affect broadly defined.
Their annual scientific conference will showcase research drawn from psychology, medicine, neuroscience, computer science, law, economics, anthropology, linguistics, sociology, business and other related fields. Particular attention will be paid to creating contexts in which (a) scholars of all stages of professional development will interact in both formal and informal ways, and (b) interdisciplinary collaborations will be fostered. Eventually, additional society activities might emerge, such as a listserv, collaborative web resources, and a new journal. The society’s guiding premise is that human and non-human affective phenomena (including emotions, moods, and other motivated states) transcend traditional disciplinary differences in emphasis and focus, and that a collaboration across disciplinary lines will accelerate scientific discoveries and the accumulation of knowledge in a range of topics and fields.