The Mindful Teen: Promoting Mindfulness and Resilience Among Adolescents

A talk on mindfulness: its scientific benefits, how it can support adolescent positive youth development and resilience

  • Venue: Li Ka Shing Center, Room 545
  • Date: October 8. 2015
  • Time: 4:00 pm
  • Price: FREE

The UC Berkeley Global Adolescent Health Colloquium and The Greater Good Science Center invite you to a talk by Dr. Dzung Vo on “The Mindful Teen: Promoting Mindfulness and Resilience among Adolescents” on Thursday October 8, 2015 in Li Ka Shing Center, 545 from 4:00-5:00pm (reception to follow). Dr. Vo will be discussing mindfulness: its scientific benefits, how it can support adolescent positive youth development and resilience, as well as resources including (but not limited to) The Mindful Teen book.