The GGSC’s Dacher Keltner presents a talk in the Nano-High series at the Lawrence Berkeley Lab
Venue: 1 Pimentel Hall
UC Berkeley campus - Date: 10AM on March 23, 2013
Note: This is not a Greater Good Science event.
The University of California’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) invites high school students and their classroom teachers to Nano-High, a series of Saturday morning lectures focused on the cutting-edge scientific issues of the day.
UC Berkeley Psychologist Dacher Keltner will be discussing his cutting-edge research on the compassionate side to human nature. Nano-High attendees will be able to meet and talk with Dacher Keltner after the talks—and even have a photo-op.
For more information, please visit
Note: This is not a Greater Good Science event.