Join mindfulness experts Jack Kornfield, Ph.D., Marsha Linehan, Ph.D., Rick Hansen, Ph.D., Roshi Joan Halifax, Ph.D., Ron Siegel, Psy.D, and many more, in a peaceful resort setting in the Las Vegas foothills as they provide 3 days of mindfulness training and connections with friends and colleagues in the field.
- Venue: Red Rock Hotel & Spa, Las Vegas, NV
- Date: November 1-3, 2012
Note: This is not a Greater Good Science event.
Here are a few of the topics that will be covered:
-Mindfulness, Compassion, & Human Possibility
-The Negativity Bias and Taking in the Good
-Harnessing Mindfulness: Tailoring the Practice to the Person
-The Wise Heart: Transforming Sorrow into Freedom
-Meditation and Psychotherapy
-Empathy, Altruism & Compassion: Practices and Perspectives
...and many more.
For more details and for information on lodging and registration, visit