A conference that aims to examine compassion, altruism and pro-social behavior from varying scientific angles.

- Venue: Telluride, CO
- Date: July 20 - 26, 2013

Note: This is not a Greater Good Science Center event.
This 6-day CCARE conference will draw from several disciplines including neuroscience, psychology, genetics, economics, and contemplative traditions to advance compassion and altruism research.
The program aims to:
- Provide an intensive training in the field of compassion research including compassion’s effects on behavior, physiology, overall health, and the brain
- Foster dialog, research collaborations, and knowledge exchange between expert faculty and young researchers (graduate students and postdocs) in the field of compassion research
- Delineate research questions and gaps in the field of compassion research in order to highlight new directions for research
- Develop a community of young scientists (graduate students and post-docs) dedicated to researching compassion
- To support young scientists wishing to conduct compassion research with pilot funding through a competitive research grant application
For more information, visit http://ccare.stanford.edu.