A conference on the science and practice of emotional intelligence

- Venue: Harvard Medical School
- Date: June 24 - 26, 2013
Note: This is not a Greater Good Science Center event.
This conference seeks to provide leaders, learning and development professionals, educators, EQ practitioners, scholars, and youth (9+) with new perspectives of, research on and practical strategies to apply emotional intelligence. Topics will address business, education, community, health, and youth with emotional intelligence applications to improve these areas.

Speakers will include:
- Peter Salovey: President & Chris Argyris Professor of Psychology, Yale University. Author, with John Mayer, of the seminal research that created the science of emotional intelligence
- Tony Wagner: The first Innovation Education Fellow at the Technology & Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard. Author of many books including, Creating Innovators, and Change Leadership
- Herbert Benson, M.D.: Director Emeritus of the Benson-Henry Institute at Massachusetts General Hospital (BHI), and Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
- Wendy Wu: CEO, New Leaders China. Columnist, Fortune China. Coauthor, To Feel or Not to Feel? Six Seconds to Change Your EQ! Founder, Six Seconds China
- Deborah Ahenkorah: Echoing Green Fellow; co-founder of the Golden Baobab, ensuring that young people in Africa have access to excellent books that reflect their life experiences
- Marco Iacoboni: Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences and Director of the Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Lab at the Ahmanson-Lovelace Brain Mapping Center, UCLA
- Daniel Shapiro: Director, Harvard International Negotiation Program. International peace negotiator. Coauthor Beyond Reason: Using Emotions as You Negotiate
- Anabel Jensen: President, Six Seconds - The Emotional Intelligence Network. CEO, Synapse School. Author of Self-Science, Getting Started with Emotional Intelligence
- Myles Munroe: International speaker and leader transforming Followers into Leaders - and Leaders into agents of change and the maximization of individual potential
- Joshua Freedman: Chief Operating Officer, Six Seconds. Chair, NexusEQ. Author, At the Heart of Leadership, INSIDE CHANGE, and At the Heart of Fatherhood
- Mary Helen Immordino-Yang: Assistant Professor of Education at USC Rossier School; Asst. Prof. of Psychology Brain and Creativity Institute; Faculty, USC Neuroscience Graduate Program
For more information, visit http://www.nexuseq.com.