- Venue: The Westin, Mumbai
- Date: October 30-31, 2019

Asia’s Biggest Mindfulness Event in India
Join as hundreds of world thinkers, neuroscientists, global leaders and practitioners of contemporary mindfulness and emotional intelligence come together in one of a kind annual summit to unravel practices of mindfulness and EQ in a set of carefully curated panel discussions, keynote sessions and breakout sessions.
Mindfulness India Summit
Last year, for the first time ever, at Mindfulness India Summit 2018, more than 200 participants with 30 speakers came together for 2 days of dialogue and workshop on role of Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence backed by Neuroscience. Building a “Tribe” full of wisdom, compassion and empathy, the summit created an ecosystem of sharing knowledge, creativity, innovation and tools for creating a Mindful Leaders and Community.
This year in 2019, more change makers and gurus, scientists, global leaders and practitioners will converge again to discuss excellence, purpose, leadership and health through scientific research and data points. Speakers are joining to share case studies that helps make this change in their organizations and society.