Develop a New Level of Leadership Skills. This extraordinary new event features more than 30 top mindful leaders, entrepreneurs, visionaries, thought leaders, teachers, and trainers.

- Venue: Online
- Date: October 17-26, 2018
Price: Free

Develop a New Level of Leadership Skills
Show Up as the Best Version of Yourself. . .
In Life, at Home and at Work
The Time is Now. The Place is Here
Take Part in the FREE 10-Day Mindful Leadership Online Training Conference
Register here for the free conference
This extraordinary new event features more than 30 top mindful leaders, entrepreneurs, visionaries, thought leaders, teachers, and trainers.
Most of the conference speakers are meditators, and each session includes a meditation, reflection or personal exercise that you can use in your own life.
Speakers include:
Dr. Daniel Siegel - Founding Co-Director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA
Dacher Keltner - Founding Director of the Greater Good Science Center and professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley
Sandra Yancey - Founder and CEO of eWomenNetwork, a business network organization connecting 500,000 women throughout North America
Jack Canfield - Co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series and known as America’s #1 Success Coach
Dina Dwyer-Owens - Co-chairwoman of the Board of Directors and Former CEO of the Dwyer Group, whose brands have annual revenue of one billion dollars
Tim Loughton and Chris Ruane - Members of Parliament in the UK
Congressman Tim Ryan of Ohio - Author of A Mindful Nation
Trenesa Stanford-Danuser - Former Senior Vice President of the Estee Lauder Companies
Dawa Tarchin Phillips - Co-Founder and President of the International Mindfulness Teachers Association
Marion Luna-Brem - CEO, Love Chrysler and Inc. Magazine Entrepreneur of the Year
Marshall Goldsmith - Recently recognized as the #1 Leadership Thinker in the World and one of the Top 10 Most Influential Business Thinkers in the World
PLUS you’ll get several FREE BONUS sessions from last year’s conference, with speakers including:
Tara Brach - Founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington
Daniel Goleman - Co-director of the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations and author of Emotional Intelligence
angel Kyodo williams - Founder of the Center for Transformative Change
Kristin Neff - Associate Professor at University of Texas and top researcher and author on self-compassion
IN ADDITION, you’ll get access to more than two dozen FREE BONUSES from conference organizers and speakers, including leadership and business trainings, guided meditations and much more.
Leading mindfully is something that can transform your life and bring tremendous benefits to your organization.
Join us for this powerful new event…