Emotions matter – in school and in life. In this presentation, Marc Brackett will share the results of a large-scale survey, conducted in collaboration with Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation, that unpacked the emotional lives of our nation’s teens – from how they currently feel to how they hope to feel in school.
- Venue: First Unitarian Church of Oakland
- Date: January 7, 2016
- Time: 7-9 pm
Price: $20-$50

Emotions matter – in school and in life. In this presentation, Marc Brackett will share the results of a large-scale survey, conducted in collaboration with Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation, that unpacked the emotional lives of our nation’s teens – from how they currently feel to how they hope to feel in school. The associations between school-based experiences such as bullying and standardized testing and different emotions also will be presented. A discussion will focus on (1) the role of emotions in learning, decision making, relationships, mental health, and academic performance, (2) the development of emotional intelligence among teens, and (3) how schools can better support teens with the integration of evidence-based practices to enhance emotional intelligence and school climate.
The Emotion Revolution is a joint initiative between the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation. Their mission is to empower students to drive the national conversation that charges schools with increasing their focus on social and emotional learning (SEL) to build positive school climates. Join us for a rich evening that supports the Stepping Stones Project and our need to listen and learn from youth voices to create schools and communities that thrive.