A scientific conference for clinicians, researchers, and educators

- Venue: Norwood, Massachusetts
- Date: April 17-21, 2013

Note: This is not a Greater Good Science event.
The Center for Mindfulness at University of Massachusetts Medical School presents this 11th annual conference featuring over 75 presentations, including research forums, presentations dialogues, workshops, keynotes, breakfast roundtables, and pre/post-conference institutes.
Conference topics include:
- Neural Mechanisms of Mindfulness: Emerging Models
- Measured and Beautiful Motion: The Messiness and Relief of Attempting to Integrate Mindfulness into the Broader Society and the Emergence of a Global Community of Practice
- Mindfulness, Stress Reduction, and Physical Health: New Brain-Behavior-Physiology Pathways
- Being with Patients, Being with Self: A no-Holds-Barred Self-suspending Leap into the Other’s Sea
- Love 2.0: How Positivity Resonance Nourishes Health
- Creating a Culture of Mindfulness at a University Campus
For more information, visit http://www.umassmed.edu/cfm/conference.