Presenters and participants in the First International Conference on Mindfulness will disseminate the latest research and share insights in the field of mindfulness.

- Venue: Sapienza – Universita di Roma in Rome, Italy
- Date: May 8-12, 2013
This is not a Greater Good Science Center event.

The conference will provide an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to establish and strengthen international collaborations, refresh their knowledge base, and extend personal practices of mindfulness. Clinicians, researchers, academic leaders, teachers, students, and politicians from around the world are invited to attend.
The call for academic papers is now open. Topics for papers related to mindfulness include, but are not limited to, the art and science of mindfulness, clinical applications of mindfulness, mindfulness teaching, mindfulness and psychotherapy, and mindfulness in politics. Select presentations from the conference will be included in a forthcoming book published by Springer in the Mindfulness in Behavioral Health series. All presenters may submit their research papers to the journal, Mindfulness, for consideration.
Keynote speakers at the conference will include experts in mindfulness:
-Jon Kabat-Zinn , Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA
-J. Mark G. Williams . Ph.D., University of Oxford, United Kingdom
-Susan Bogels, Ph.D., University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Paul Grossman , Ph.D., University of Basel Hospital, Switzerland
-Henk Barendregt , Ph.D., Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
-Giuseppe Pagnoni , Ph.D., University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Conference registration opens in January 2013.
For more information, please visit
This is not a Greater Good Science Center event.