A series of two-day workshops. Developed with Dr. Daniel Goleman, based on his research and bestselling book Leadership: The Power of Emotional Intelligence.
- Recognize the benefits of developing EI
- Define Emotional Intelligence competencies and origins.
- Apply the researched EI competency framework to optimize professional performance and working relationships.
- Build a personal development strategy.

- Venue: Click "Register Now" for more information on session dates and locations.
- Date: June 16-August 22, 2014

Emotional intelligence (EI) is vital to being an effective and high-performing member of any team. Business professionals who understand the connection between emotions and actions and can apply EI skills to maximize effectiveness have a stand-out advantage in any organization.
Dr. Daniel Goleman introduced his perspectives on EI in 1995 and has become a world-renowned expert in the field. Goleman’s EI model focuses specifically on the behavioral level, on performance at work and on organizational leadership. He has developed this seminar with the American Management Association to introduce you to this proven EI model and provide you with the insight and skills to apply it in making your job and career more effective, satisfying and successful.
For more information or to register for a workshop, click here.
Workshop Locations (Dates Vary):
San Francisco, CA
Atlanta, GA
Arlington/Washington DC
Philadelphia, PA
Chicago, IL
New York, NY
Los Angeles, CA
Boston, MA
VIDEO: Learn more about Dr. Goleman’s workshops with American Management Association