Kristen Neff, creator of the self-compassion scale used by researchers worldwide, presents a workshop on tools for self-compassion
Venue: EarthRise at IONS
101 San Antonio Rd
Petaluma CA 94952 - Date: December 7-9, 2012
Note: This is not a Greater Good Science event.
This workshop will provide simple tools for responding in a kind and supportive manner whenever we confront our own human imperfection or experience emotional challenges. The event is open to the general public as well as to practicing mental health professionals, and will feature lectures, meditation, scientific research, interactive exercises, and discussion. Kristin Neff, PhD, will discuss topics including:
-The three core components of self-compassion
-How to handle difficult emotions with greater ease
-How to overcome common blocks to self-compassion
-How to motivate yourself with kindness rather than self-criticism
and more.
For more information on this workshop and to register, please visit
Note: This is not a Greater Good Science event.