Altruism and Charitable Giving

Provides a forum for high-quality work in all areas related to the economics of altruism and charitable giving.

  • Venue: Paris, France, see contact information
  • Date: May 11

The conference hopes to provide a unique opportunity for researchers from different universities and countries to discuss their work in a relaxed atmosphere and to develop long-term collaborative relationships. It also aspires to provide young researchers with the opportunity to meet and discuss their work with senior economists. Paper proposals are invited in any area related to altruism and charitable giving, broadly defined (including micro foundations of prosocial behaviors, public good provision, economics of identity and beliefs formation, behavior of NGOs, foreign aid policies, etc). Both theoretical and empirical work are welcome.

If interested, contact:

Nadine Clarke, Meetings Manager
(44 20) 7183 8808 or
Coordination and administration of conferences and workshops
Authorization of reimbursements

Rachel Aveyard, Meetings Assistant
(44 20) 7 183 8817 or
Lunchtime meetings organization and administration
Assistance with conference and workshop administration