An event that gathers and unites psychologists from all over the world.
- Venue: Paris, France
- Date: July 8-13, 2014
Note: This is not a Greater Good Science Center event.
This event aims to discuss solutions psychology can provide to the rising crises brought on by our current and difficult financial and economic contexts. The program will consist of keynote lectures, panel discussions, invited symposia, forums with experts, poster sessions, workshops and scientific visits.
Topics include:
- Making well-being sustainable: approaches and contributions from applied psychology
- The perils of politeness
- Do our children become as we are ?
- Advances in Understanding Subjective Well-Being: Conceptual and Methodological issues
- Integrating social cognitive theories for explaining and changing health behaviors and its use in eHealth
- Psychological implications of economic hardship and financial threat
For more information, visit