2015 International Society for Humor Studies Conference

The 27th ISHS Conference will be held at the Society’s homebase, Holy Names University in Oakland, California, USA from June 29 to July 3, 2015.

  • Venue: Holy Names University, Oakland, CA
  • Date: June 29-July 3, 2015
  • Price: $140-$315

Holy Names University, in the Oakland Hills overlooking the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Area, hosts the 34th International Humor Conference and the 27th Conference of the International Society for Humor Studies. 

For the 2015 ISHS conference, the International Society for Humor Studies invites research papers, symposia, and workshops on humor that fall into the thematic areas of (1) Cognition and Creativity, (2) Public and Private Discourse, (3) Individuality and Individual Styles, (4) Culture and Diversity, and (5) Health and Well-Being.

The society also invites submissions for a one-act comedy competition that will run across the evenings of the Conference. The deadline for all submissions is March 15, 2015.