A conference for people who want to develop the skills and competencies to teach mindfulness to today’s youth. Early bird registration open till January 15, 2014!

- Venue: San Diego, CA
- Date: February 7 - 9, 2014

The Greater Good Science Center is a co-sponsor of this event.
This conference seeks to connect people across disciplines—from the classroom, to the laboratory, the therapy room and the living room—all in support of the growth, study and dissemination of mindfulness for the next generation.
The conference will help participants:
- Become familiar with a variety of mindfulness-based programs for children and adolescents through experiential techniques and dissemination of information for participants to use in their work with youth.
- Develop skills to utilize a variety of adapted mindfulness-based interventions for youth.
- Become familiar with current information regarding mindfulness and brain science through research and practice.
- Review current research as it is related to societal trends regarding the state of our youth today and explore how mindfulness can play a crucial role in positively impacting these trends.
- Obtain direct, personal experience of mindfulness practice and learn how it applies to both professional and personal practice.
Featuring Dr. Dan Siegel, Congressman Tim Ryan, Dr. Amy Saltzman, and more!